
Executive Summary – Security Baseline Report


The President of Honduras, the Minister of Security, and other relevant personnel have expressed willingness to cooperate with ASJ/TI’s investigations, complying with requests for access to information and divulging information about processes and protocols.

The Minister of Security also cooperated in the selection of samples in order to choose representative cases so as to better select opportunities for improvement. It is important to emphasize that the evaluation presented in this investigation does not represent a score for the entire management of the Ministry of Security, rather it reflects the study of the few processes selected as samples.

The investigation establishes a baseline from which civil society can monitor and evaluate the Security System, as well as offers recommendations that the Ministry of Security can use to create improvements and enforce corrective actions. To complement the results of the investigation, the Minister of Security released a Plan for Improvement which will be monitored and evaluated in a consistent and systematic way, every six months, by the ASJ/TI team.