
Extortion under the looking glass


The 6th of June, 2023 marks the six-month anniversary of the state of exception in Honduras. Under the government’s Plan for the Treatment of Extortion and Related Crimes (better known as the Anti-Extortion Plan) a state of exception was adopted that suspends a number of constitutional rights with the aim of combatting the growing phenomenon of extortion and organized crime. The plan and the state of exception are still in effect.

After these six months, this report evaluates the extent to which the AntiExtortion Plan has been implemented and the results that have been achieved. Our analysis is based on a national survey, official data, and a series of meetings and focus groups with key actors.

ASJ considers that the plan has good components that could be successful if they are implemented well. However, we find that of the 30 actions listed in the
government’s Anti-Extortion Plan, only one has been achieved to date. Two can be considered ‘in progress’ and the other 26 have either not been completed or there was not enough information publically available to evaluate the government’s progress on the goal.